It’s much easier to look in hindsight after seven years have passed since my accident. Both of my wrists were broken; the left shattered, and the right was more of a clean break. During those seven years since 2018, I’ve had plenty of time to think about the one constant in my life — music.
Paul, Shortly After Surgery, Repaired Both of His Wrists in April 2018.
It took a lot of work to think about everything you do that requires one or both hands. Having both hands out of commission for several months was just the beginning.
My World for Several Months During 2018.
After the casts came off, I started months of rehabilitation for both hands and fingers, neither of which worked exceptionally well. It was slow progress at first, and after many months had passed, the surgeons gave their final prognosis. The right wrist that suffered a clean break, I’ll likely be close to 95% in terms of strength and dexterity.
I thought it was all right. I’m right-handed, so this is good. The surgeon thought that was great news as well. Then, he discussed the left wrist that had been shattered. There was extensive damage, and a lot of hardware was inserted to help the wrist heal over time. Unfortunately, the news wasn’t quite as rosy for this hand. I expect 85%, at best, of what my hand did before, both in strength and agility.
This differed from the outcome I had hoped for a right-handed person. Given my passion for playing the guitar, it would have been far better had the prognosis been reversed. After physical therapy, I tried picking up one of my guitars and playing. Still, I quickly realized the left hand no longer recognized desired movements, at least in any precise way. And my hope of playing the guitar again faded quickly.
The Casts Are Off, Now What?
Seven years went by before I would pick up a guitar again. Much to my amazement, I could play with one big exception — there was tremendous difficulty doing any chord resembling the D chord. The index IF Digit 2 on my left hand did not respond well to placement on the guitar strings, whether using an open D or the related D formation bar chords. I can play lead, although I have forgotten much over the years that I rarely played at all. So I have my work cut out for me, retraining my left hand to do everything I could do before.
Close-Up View of the Left Wrist That Was Shattered in the Accident.